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MPBWM Fee Based Accounts

 With the fee-based approach, investors have access to a variety of stocks, bonds, ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) and mutual funds on a NO LOAD basis. This means that there are no commissions on the purchase or exchange of investments held within the account. We offer several investment management solutions. First, our clients can elect to use MPBWM to actively manage their funds. We utilize a tactical approach to Modern Portfolio Theory.

We also utilize outside managers for specific markets and asset classes depending on the risks posture and objective of each client. 

Our “outside” managers are part of a program titled, Private Access (PA). PA is sponsored through our Broker/Dealer, ProEquities, Inc., which is a Registered Investment Advisor with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and a Registered Broker/Dealer, member of FINRA and SIPC. PA carefully selects managers that manage funds on our platform, meaning the funds stay with our firm and the manager comes to us to co-manage your funds through our firm. This is opposed to the use of outside managers with most firms where the advisor sends your funds to an outside manager and the adviser receives quarterly reports just like you do. The adviser and you learn AFTER THE FACT how your funds have performed and what the manager actually did. With PA, our firm is in control of your funds, directs the manager, monitors the manager, and there is no way the manager can do anything with your funds but make security selections. Our firm controls your money, not the manager. 

 If you choose to hire MPBWM or Private Access to design a plan to meet a particular financial goal (i.e. estate plan or pension distribution, etc.), we will quote a fee for that service alone and the ADVISORY AGREEMENT will identify the fee for that service.

If your specific need involves a financial product and no planning is involved, then the commissions or fees generated from the implementation of that financial product or service would compensate MPB.

Michael P. Black, CFP®, CDFA uses an individually customized ProEquities FINANCIAL ADVISORY AGREEMENT that estimates our fee relationship before the planning begins.